Robots & AI

New AI generates CRISPR proteins unlike any seen in nature
An AI that generates CRISPR proteins is opening the door to gene editors with capabilities beyond what we’ve found in nature.
Why AI playing video games is a big deal
Google’s SIMA can follow human instructions to play 3D video games. Researchers hopes the platform can one day help AI navigate real-world environments.
How Brilliant Labs CEO is creating a “symbiosis of humanity and artificial intelligence”
CEO Bobak Tavangar discusses the philosophy behind Brilliant’s latest device, Frame, and his vision for the future of AI.
“Bionic eye” discovers Plato’s final resting place
“I’m not interested in reality”: AI artist Refik Anadol on creative coding, hallucinations, and the future of art
DARPA is testing this autonomous tank with glowing “eyes”
MIT engineers design flexible “skeletons” for soft, muscle-powered robots
Meet the humanoids: 8 robots ready to revolutionize work
How to build the skills needed for the age of AI
See how Moderna is using OpenAI tech across its workforce
OpenAI’s GPT-4 outperforms doctors in another new study
Watch the first AI vs. human dogfight using military jets