Robots & AI

Perplexity, Google, and the battle for AI search supremacy
AIs that generate answers to user queries could transform search, but only if someone can get the tech and the business model right.
How AI is rewriting Silicon Valley’s relationship with the Pentagon
Silicon Valley is warming to the Department of Defense as it works to get new AI systems developed and deployed en masse.
Ray Kurzweil explains how AI makes radical life extension possible
Life expectancy gains in developed countries have slowed in recent decades, but AI may be poised to transform medicine as we know it.
First-of-its-kind robot receptionist is like ChatGPT with a face
Meta’s first-of-its-kind AI can translate between any of 100 languages
NASA partner unveils the “iPhone” of robots
A robot pilot is ready to fly a real plane — are you onboard?
Hackers get AI to share credit card info and endorse hate speech
With “thanabots,” ChatGPT is making it possible to talk to the dead
Study finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks
AI now lets you have real conversations with NPCs in video games
Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results
PhD student solves a mysterious ancient Sanskrit text algorithm after 2,500 years