
Are weight-loss meds the next wonder drugs?
Evidence is mounting that GLP-1 agonists could treat many health issues — including ones that aren’t obviously related to weight.
First-of-its-kind pig kidney transplant is a success
A woman with heart and kidney failure is now the second person in the world to undergo a gene-edited pig kidney transplant.
Milk could overcome one of the biggest hurdles to RNA therapies
RNA therapies typically break down if administered orally, but particles found in cows’ milk could provide perfect protection.
How a mutation in microglia elevates Alzheimer’s risk
Superbug-killing antibiotic is now in human trials
Nutrition professor answers: Does chicken soup really help when you’re sick?
Toddler thriving after world’s first partial heart transplant
How does Alzheimer’s disease erode memory? New findings on risk gene offer insights
The most damaging exercise myth
New on/off switch in mRNA lets doctors “tune” gene therapy
Research: inflammation and mortality may be caused by low “psychological well-being”
Your brain “wakes up” more than 100 times each night. That’s normal — and maybe good
Red meat causes heart disease. Except when it doesn’t?