Hard Tech

Ian Brooke wants to revolutionize flight as we know it
This Y Combinator-backed startup has invented a new kind of jet engine, radically more efficient and versatile than anything before it.
Solid-state batteries are finally making their way out of the lab
Solid-state batteries could soon challenge lithium-ion as the dominant tech for powering smartphones, EVs, and more.
“Cybersecurity shortage” could reach 85 million workers by 2030
The global talent shortage could reach 85 million workers by 2030, causing approximately $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenue.
Series| Coded
The people’s NSA
What we mean when we talk about hacking
Meet the programmer who defied the FBI
Series| Coded
The unhackable email service
Watch: Trailer for our new show, Coded
Series| Coded
Coded trailer
Four crazy uses for virtual reality (that aren’t video games)
This week in ideas: The end of checkout lines, photoshopping your voice, and a new way to pay for a ride
You should start learning about artificial intelligence. Here's how.
This is our superhuman future