Robots & AI

Perplexity, Google, and the battle for AI search supremacy
AIs that generate answers to user queries could transform search, but only if someone can get the tech and the business model right.
How AI is rewriting Silicon Valley’s relationship with the Pentagon
Silicon Valley is warming to the Department of Defense as it works to get new AI systems developed and deployed en masse.
Ray Kurzweil explains how AI makes radical life extension possible
Life expectancy gains in developed countries have slowed in recent decades, but AI may be poised to transform medicine as we know it.
Why AI celebrities are teaching kids math and physics
Meet the humanoids: 8 robots ready to revolutionize work
How to build the skills needed for the age of AI
See how Moderna is using OpenAI tech across its workforce
OpenAI’s GPT-4 outperforms doctors in another new study
Watch the first AI vs. human dogfight using military jets
New AI music generator makes songs from text prompts
Meta’s AI assistant just got a major upgrade — here’s how you can use it
Boston Dynamics retires dancing Atlas robot — and debuts its electric replacement
Why a neurodivergent team will be a golden asset in the AI workplace