Robots & AI

Perplexity, Google, and the battle for AI search supremacy
AIs that generate answers to user queries could transform search, but only if someone can get the tech and the business model right.
How AI is rewriting Silicon Valley’s relationship with the Pentagon
Silicon Valley is warming to the Department of Defense as it works to get new AI systems developed and deployed en masse.
Ray Kurzweil explains how AI makes radical life extension possible
Life expectancy gains in developed countries have slowed in recent decades, but AI may be poised to transform medicine as we know it.
OpenAI and Microsoft are reportedly planning a $100B supercomputer
Can we stop AI hallucinations? And do we even want to?
When AI prompts result in copyright violations, who has to pay?
Google’s Deep Mind AI can help engineers predict “catastrophic failure”
Does AI need a “body” to become truly intelligent? Meta researchers think so.
AI “tastes” beer — then tells brewers how to make it better
Bipedal robot takes a beating, keeps on hiking
Would you trust big work-life decisions to an AI coach?
Generative AI tech is dreaming up new antibodies
Humanoid robots are joining the Mercedes-Benz workforce