Scientists rule out a popular alternative theory to dark matter
A passionate minority deny the existence of dark matter and embrace MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) to explain the observations.
“Singularities don’t exist,” claims black hole pioneer Roy Kerr
Using a powerful mathematical argument, black hole expert Roy Kerr argues that singularities shouldn't physically exist. He may be right.
Light may cause water to evaporate (even without heat)
MIT researchers propose a new phenomenon that causes to water evaporate without heat. They call it the “photomolecular effect.”
IBM unveils world’s largest quantum chip
Tech giant IBM is pushing the field of quantum computing forward with Condor, the world's largest quantum chip.
Do gravitational waves exhibit wave-particle duality?
One of the incredible revolutions of quantum mechanics is wave-particle duality: all fundamental quanta exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.
Pursuing fusion power
Many researchers now believe that within the next few decades, power plants will provide carbon-free electricity from thermonuclear fusion.
MIT physicists turn pencil lead into “gold”
MIT physicists have metaphorically turned graphite, or pencil lead, into gold by isolating five ultrathin flakes.
Is the Universe infinite?
The limits to which we can observe the Universe are set by three things: the rate of expansion, the time since the Big Bang, and the speed of light.
How physics models could improve NBA teams’ performance
Density functional theory, a model used to study quantum-entangled particles, has surprising relevance on the basketball court.
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