
How the internet changed news, according to The Onion
Freethink spoke to Onion staffers about parodying news from the print era into the digital age.
Animation may be entering a new renaissance. Here’s why.
Popular animated films have been rendered in an increasingly realistic style recently. Here’s where animation is heading in the future.
From besting Tetris AI to epic speedruns – inside gaming’s most thrilling feats
Gaming embraces design elements that promote social connection, creativity, a sense of autonomy – and, ultimately, the sheer joy of mastery.
Widom of Daoism: why Yin-Yang is so much more than a tattoo
The Four Enemies to a happy life and how to defeat them
A historian identifies the worst year in human history
“Read 2,000 books”: Werner Herzog’s advice on reading
How the brain responds to surprising events
Why Africa’s newest super-bridge is in the continent’s weirdest border zone
Theory of mind: What chess and drug dealers can teach you about manipulation
Geopsychology: Your personality depends on where you live
Ukrainian artists turn to NFTs to tell their stories 
Watch John McEnroe take on past versions of himself on the court