
Psychedelic drugs and the law: What’s next?
The push to legalize magic mushrooms, MDMA, LSD, and other hallucinogens is likely to heighten tensions between state and federal law.
Trapped in routine? Here’s how to “dishabituate” and rediscover joy
Neuroscientist Tali Sharot shares two ways to “dishabituate” yourself from your routine: take a break or make a change.
The 3 myths of mindfulness
Mindfulness is hugely popular today, but one philosopher has argued that certain unchecked types of mindfulness are deeply flawed.
New tiny home village for unhoused people to open in 2023
Biden pardons federal cannabis possession cases, urges states to do the same
Americans are becoming more likely to cooperate with strangers, not less
San Francisco decriminalizes plant-based psychedelics 
Fighting poverty with direct cash payments
To make great changes in your life, follow the philosophy of kaizen
Mathematicians suggest the “37% rule” for life’s biggest decisions
Debunking stereotypes about mobile homes could make them a new face of affordable housing 
Startup that created Elon Musk’s foldable house opens a new factory
The Singularity: When will we all become super-humans?