
Boosted Breeding and beyond: 3 tech trends that could end world hunger
A world without hunger is possible, and the development and deployment of new farming technologies could be one key to manifesting it.
US hits 180 GW of solar power. Here’s how we get to 1,000 by 2035.
A quick look at the history of solar power in the US and the trends that could lead us into our sun-powered future.
Which technologies will enable a cleaner steel industry?
Technologies like hydrogen-based direct reduction of ore, electrolysis, and advanced furnace technologies could reduce steel emissions.
New MIT tech could help the world’s biggest polluters clean up their emissions
This startup’s tech turns CO2 into seashell dust
This “living material” self-destructs and cleans up polluted water
MIT students develop energy “mini-grid” software for remote & mountainous areas
Termite mounds inspire climate-friendly air conditioning
Reduction in air pollution may be accelerating ocean warming
Can we burn metal for heat, instead of fossil fuels?
Google-backed startup sets two world records in geothermal power
Hard Reset Podcast: Heliogen | Episode #3
Crab shells boost the lifespan of zinc-ion batteries