
Six innovative ways to float skyscraper-sized wind turbines
While most offshore wind farms are firmly rooted in the seabed, engineers are developing new ways to float enormous wind turbines.
Shining a light on oil fields to make them more sustainable
Sensors and analytics give oil well operators real-time alerts when things go wrong, so they can respond before they become disasters.
US will accelerate geothermal exploration on federal land
The Bureau of Land Management is taking steps to make it easier for public lands to be considered for geothermal power systems.
Colorful film keeps houses and cars up to 20 F colder than the air
Meatball made from woolly mammoth unveiled in the Netherlands
This easy fix could eliminate harmful chemical exhaust from home heaters
Making electricity from wastewater
New material traps CO2 — and turns it into baking soda
Self-sufficient “microgrids” could save you from power grid emergencies
These 3D-printed batteries could be the future of clean energy
These “microreactors” could be the future of nuclear power
Startup plants first GMO trees designed for carbon removal
This “chameleon” material can heat or cool houses on demand