
Are weight-loss meds the next wonder drugs?
Evidence is mounting that GLP-1 agonists could treat many health issues — including ones that aren’t obviously related to weight.
First-of-its-kind pig kidney transplant is a success
A woman with heart and kidney failure is now the second person in the world to undergo a gene-edited pig kidney transplant.
Milk could overcome one of the biggest hurdles to RNA therapies
RNA therapies typically break down if administered orally, but particles found in cows’ milk could provide perfect protection.
Why the MLB antibody study matters
Using Ebola to fight brain cancer
Brain implant restores sense of touch in man with paralysis
Oxford coronavirus vaccine could be ready by September
Twin study suggests genes factor into COVID-19 symptoms
An “old school” COVID-19 vaccine appears to work in monkeys
Tons of groups are improvising coronavirus PPE. But who will test it?
DNA might be able to explain varying coronavirus symptoms
This pen makes hand washing fun for kids
Would you volunteer to be infected with COVID-19?