
Synthetic diamonds may have just gotten way easier to make
Scientists in South Korea have developed a new technique for creating synthetic diamonds that works under ambient pressure.
What hybrid mouse/rat brains are showing us about the mind
Modified mice with hybrid brains that include rat neurons could one day lead to new breakthroughs in neuroscience.
With inspiration from “Tetris,” MIT researchers develop a better radiation detector
A new detector system based on the game “Tetris” could enable inexpensive, accurate radiation detectors for monitoring nuclear sites.
Every significant breakthrough that’s stemmed from the pandemic
An LSD trip “off-switch” may be coming soon
Scientists find what looks like DNA in a dinosaur fossil
Open-sourcing the blueprints for a nuclear power plant
Should we turn chickens into dinosaurs?
"Doomsday" seed vault now contains over 1 million samples
Series| Biohackers
The cyborg artist who hears color
Series| Biohackers
I got a chip implanted in a biohacking garage
Geoengineering: Our last defense against climate change
Stimulating monkeys’ brains snaps them out of unconsciousness