
How turning off one gene causes mice to grow 6 legs
A study of embryo development in mice led to the creation of a mutant mouse fetus with an extra pair of legs in place of genitals.
This startup is trying to solve lab-grown meat’s biggest problem
A biotech startup has developed a new kind of bioreactor that could help increase cultivated meat production.
In a future with brain-computer interfaces like Elon Musk’s Neuralink, we may need to rethink freedom of thought
In a future with more “mind reading,” thanks to computer-brain interfaces, we may need to rethink freedom of thought.
Open-sourcing the blueprints for a nuclear power plant
Should we turn chickens into dinosaurs?
"Doomsday" seed vault now contains over 1 million samples
Series| Biohackers
The cyborg artist who hears color
Series| Biohackers
I got a chip implanted in a biohacking garage
Geoengineering: Our last defense against climate change
Stimulating monkeys’ brains snaps them out of unconsciousness
Will we ever predict earthquakes?
Could the human race survive a supervolcano?
Series| The Edge
Top athletes are shocking their brains with tDCS