
How turning off one gene causes mice to grow 6 legs
A study of embryo development in mice led to the creation of a mutant mouse fetus with an extra pair of legs in place of genitals.
This startup is trying to solve lab-grown meat’s biggest problem
A biotech startup has developed a new kind of bioreactor that could help increase cultivated meat production.
In a future with brain-computer interfaces like Elon Musk’s Neuralink, we may need to rethink freedom of thought
In a future with more “mind reading,” thanks to computer-brain interfaces, we may need to rethink freedom of thought.
A single gene turns on humans' rapid brain growth
Fireflies may use “musical armor” to keep bats at bay
Spinach skeleton becomes base for lab-grown meat
The next generation of living machines: xenobots 2.0
Boston Dynamics unveils a new robot: Stretch
Series| Catalysts
Research grants, the silicon valley way
In partnership with Stand Together
This insect swiped a gene from plants to help itself survive
Researchers have built a mini-lab for mini-brains
Watch Japan’s latest robot painter in action
Scientists brought to life 100-million-year-old bacteria