Meet Thresh, the world’s first professional gamer
Was Elon Musk any good at Quake? “He’s a legit gamer,” but…
You’re thinking of the metaverse all wrong, says Matthew Ball
Rumors of the metaverse’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Perplexity, Google, and the battle for AI search supremacy
AIs that generate answers to user queries could transform search, but only if someone can get the tech and the business model right.
How AI is rewriting Silicon Valley’s relationship with the Pentagon
Silicon Valley is warming to the Department of Defense as it works to get new AI systems developed and deployed en masse.
Ray Kurzweil explains how AI makes radical life extension possible
Life expectancy gains in developed countries have slowed in recent decades, but AI may be poised to transform medicine as we know it.
Microsoft’s “parallel bets” strategy won the PC Wars. Will it work for AI?
Microsoft made parallel bets to make sure they held their OS lead. They'll do the same for AI — will it work?
Pager panic: When beepers were infiltrating schools
Cities and schools once actually arrested students for carrying this dangerous technology.
How Google’s new AI could revolutionize medicine
Google DeepMind's AlphaFold 3 could be the future of drug discovery — and the journey to its creation started more than a century ago.
Will generative AI change everything for filmmaking?
We asked an experimental filmmaker, an MIT economist, and an AI startup executive how generative AIs could impact the world of filmmaking.
Why ChatGPT feels more “intelligent” than Google Search
There will be a moment, coming soon, when AI makes the leap from tool to entity.
New AI generates CRISPR proteins unlike any seen in nature
An AI that generates CRISPR proteins is opening the door to gene editors with capabilities beyond what we’ve found in nature.
How Brilliant Labs CEO is creating a “symbiosis of humanity and artificial intelligence”
CEO Bobak Tavangar discusses the philosophy behind Brilliant’s latest device, Frame, and his vision for the future of AI.
“Bionic eye” discovers Plato’s final resting place
Plato’s final resting place has been identified thanks to a “bionic eye” built to read the Herculaneum scrolls.
“I’m not interested in reality”: AI artist Refik Anadol on creative coding, hallucinations, and the future of art
By painting with code and bits of data, AI artist Refik Anadol reveals surprisingly deep insights into what it means to create art.
Why AI celebrities are teaching kids math and physics
Onlock Learning uses the attention-grabbing strategies that make brain-rot content virtually irresistible to package educational content.
Meet the humanoids: 8 robots ready to revolutionize work
Everything you need to know about the humanoids that will soon enter the workforce — or are in it already.
How to build the skills needed for the age of AI
Knowledge-based workers already need to skill-up to coexist with sophisticated artificial intelligence technologies.
See how Moderna is using OpenAI tech across its workforce
A partnership between Moderna and OpenAI provides a real-world example of what can happen when a company leans into generative AI.
Shining a light on oil fields to make them more sustainable
Sensors and analytics give oil well operators real-time alerts when things go wrong, so they can respond before they become disasters.
OpenAI’s GPT-4 outperforms doctors in another new study
OpenAI’s most powerful AI model, GPT-4, outperformed junior doctors in deciding how to treat patients with eye problems.
Watch the first AI vs. human dogfight using military jets
An AI fighter pilot faced off against a human pilot in a “dogfight” using actual planes — a huge milestone in military automation.
AI can help predict whether a patient will respond to specific tuberculosis treatments
Instead of a one-size-fits-all treatment approach, AI could help personalize treatments for each patient to provide the best outcomes.
New AI music generator makes songs from text prompts
AI music generators — AIs that create new music based on users’ text prompts — are lowering the bar for music creation, for better or worse.
Meta’s AI assistant just got a major upgrade — here’s how you can use it
Meta has upgraded its AI assistant, Meta AI, with a new LLM (Llama 3) and made it available in far more places.
Boston Dynamics retires dancing Atlas robot — and debuts its electric replacement
A day after retiring its hydraulic Atlas robot, Boston Dynamics released a video debuting its all-electric, workplace-ready replacement.
Why a neurodivergent team will be a golden asset in the AI workplace
Since AI is chained to linear reasoning, workplaces that embrace it will do well to have neurodivergent colleagues who reason more creatively.
When an antibiotic fails: MIT scientists are using AI to target “sleeper” bacteria
Most antibiotics target metabolically active bacteria, but AI can help efficiently screen compounds that are lethal to dormant microbes.
OpenAI and Microsoft are reportedly planning a $100B supercomputer
Microsoft is reportedly planning to build a $100 billion data center and supercomputer, called "Stargate," for OpenAI.
Can we stop AI hallucinations? And do we even want to?
“Making stuff up” and “being creative” may be two sides of the same coin — but you have to be able to tell the difference.
When AI prompts result in copyright violations, who has to pay?
Who is responsible for copyright violations when they're produced by generative AI? The technology is outpacing the law.
Google’s Deep Mind AI can help engineers predict “catastrophic failure”
How vulnerable is the electrical grid to a malicious attacker who destroys select substations? Google's Deep Mind can help predict the answer.
Does AI need a “body” to become truly intelligent? Meta researchers think so.
We’re finally starting to see what can happen when we put an advanced AI “brain” in a state-of-the-art robot “body” — and it’s remarkable.
AI “tastes” beer — then tells brewers how to make it better
An AI that can predict how to improve the taste of a beer could help brewers develop the next beloved brew.
Bipedal robot takes a beating, keeps on hiking
LimX Dynamics’s bipedal robot, P1, can keep its footing, even when traversing rough terrain unlike any it’s seen before.
Would you trust big work-life decisions to an AI coach?
The fast-growing coaching industry is being disrupted by generative AI, which excels at “performance coaching.”
Generative AI tech is dreaming up new antibodies
A new tool for designing antibodies relies on the same kind of tech underpinning DALL-E and other image-generating AIs.
AI-powered wearable “speaks” for people with vocal cord problems
Bioengineers at UCLA are developing an AI-powered wearable that could make it easier for people with vocal cord problems to talk.
Humanoid robots are joining the Mercedes-Benz workforce
German automaker Mercedes-Benz is deploying Apptronik’s Apollo robots at a manufacturing plant in Hungary.
Autonomous auto racing promises safer driverless cars on the road
Autonomous racing is a testbed where competition spurs innovation and AI-controlled cars chart a course toward safer autonomous vehicles.
Google’s AI can create a video game based on a napkin drawing
Named Genie, the AI can create a short video games from a single image. It could one day create a wide range of interactive environments.
The brief history of artificial intelligence: The world has changed fast – what might be next?
Despite their brief history, computers and AI have fundamentally changed what we see, what we know, and what we do.
Startup unveils “world’s first” complete AI software engineer
Cognition Labs has unveiled Devin, an AI software engineer that can build websites from scratch, debug code, and more.
9 ways AI is helping tackle climate change
Existing AI systems include tools that predict weather, track icebergs, and identify pollution, all of which can help fight climate change.
Clinical trials can save more lives, and faster, with AI
The type of AI powering ChatGPT could help accelerate drug development by matching patients with clinical trials and vice versa.
Safer skies with self-flying helicopters
Engineers start with an existing helicopter model and add control, sensing, and other software systems to make it autonomous.
Elon Musk sues OpenAI and claims it has achieved AGI
Elon Musk is suing OpenAI, claiming it has breached its agreement to develop artificial general intelligence for the benefit of all humanity.
How three students wrote history by winning the Vesuvius Challenge
Thanks to the Vesuvius Challenge, we may be on the verge of the biggest literary discovery of the ancient world in decades.
AI solves huge problem holding back fusion power
Princeton researchers have trained an AI to predict and prevent a common problem during nuclear fusion reactions.
Watch: Figure’s humanoid robot just learned something new
Robotics startup Figure AI just shared a video showing its humanoid robot completing a fully autonomous “real world task.”
Sam Altman on the future of AI
In the Davos session, "Technology in a Turbulent World," OpenAI CEO Sam Altman explained where he sees AI heading.
AI for agriculture: How Indian farmers are harvesting innovation
India's farmers combat climate change, pestilence, and financial burdens, with AI-driven initiatives offering transformative solutions.
4 core strategies as AI changes the “meaning of work”
A 2021 study in Germany revealed that automation can have a serious effect on our sense of meaning at work.
AI startup Magic is building a “superhuman software engineer”
Magic AI is developing an advanced AI software engineer it sees as a milestone along the path to artificial general intelligence (AGI).
Google AI is searching the world for methane leaks from space
Google will provide computing resources to MethaneSAT, a project to identify climate-harming methane leaks from space.
Students use calculators to do math. Let them use ChatGPT to write.
Researchers tasked teachers with rating hundreds of essays, some written by students and others written by ChatGPT. Here's what they found.
Aerospace engineer explains why AI can’t replace air traffic controllers
For everyone's safety, humans are likely to remain a necessary central component of air traffic control for a long time to come.
Nvidia’s free tool lets you create your own chatbot right on your PC
Nvidia’s Chat with RTX tool lets you create a custom chatbot that runs locally on your PC and can answer questions about your personal files.
How does studying 500 years of the printing press help us tackle the era of AI?
For around 500 years, the printed word shaped our education and culture. What lessons can we learn from it in the new age of AI?
OpenAI’s text-to-video AI, Sora, is futurism come to life
Sora will let anyone transform their ideas directly into video and the implications are breathtaking.
From besting Tetris AI to epic speedruns – inside gaming’s most thrilling feats
Gaming embraces design elements that promote social connection, creativity, a sense of autonomy – and, ultimately, the sheer joy of mastery.
Install open-source AI in a commercial robot and it’ll clean your room
Open-source AIs and commercial hardware may be enough to build domestic robots that can take over our chores.
OpenAI is developing “AI agents.” Here’s what that means.
OpenAI is reportedly developing “AI agents,” software that can perform tasks on people’s devices upon request.
New hope for early pancreatic cancer intervention via AI-based risk prediction
To train their machine learning models, MIT researchers used electronic health record data from various institutions across the U.S.
Google’s Lumiere has created a new paradigm for text-to-video AI
Google's new text-to-video model, Lumiere, promises a new architecture that will make video AI models more modern and powerful.
Google’s Gemini Ultra AI has been released
Google just made its most capable generative AI — Gemini Ultra — available to the public, while killing the “Bard” brand.
Arc Search aims to revolutionize browsing, AI, and search, all at once
Searching isn’t what it used to be, and chatbots can be clunky — will the Browser Company's Arc Search app replace both?
How to train your self-driving car
From loading the car with sensors to teaching its AI to “think” like a human driver, there's more than one way to train an autonomous car.
AI is here – and everywhere: 3 AI researchers look to the challenges ahead in 2024
AI scholars look ahead to 2024 and describe the issues developers, regulators, and everyday people are likely to face.
OpenAI is reportedly investing in humanoid robots
Microsoft and OpenAI reportedly plan to invest $100 million into Figure, a startup developing a humanoid robot for the workplace.
Will AI companions help or hurt the “loneliness epidemic”?
About a third of people are lonely. Three scholars consider whether AI can help, or if it'll just make things worse.
When the Mac was a “munition”
Macs were once deemed a threat to national security. Will today’s AI rules seem similarly outdated when we look back on them?
New AI detection tool measures how “surprising” word choices are
A new AI detection tool that measure how "surprising" text is reportedly delivers far fewer false positives than existing options.
DeepMind’s AI could accelerate drug discovery
A new study suggests that AlphaFold, DeepMind’s AI tool for predicting protein structures, could be useful for drug discovery after all.
10 must-see technologies from CES 2024
From super-hyped AI assistants to apps that translate babies’ cries, CES 2024 has given us a glimpse at the tech of tomorrow, today.
Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators
Artists unhappy with their work being used by generative AI have are using "data poisoning" to mess with the algorithm.
Microsoft launches Copilot Pro for “power users”
Microsoft has launched Copilot Pro, a premium subscription service that makes its AI companion accessible to more people in more contexts.
6 tech trends at CES 2024 that are shaping the future
From AI to health and the metaverse, these tech trends promise to change our lives long after the excitement of the newest TV wears off.
Microsoft AI discovers 18 new battery materials in two weeks
Using AI and cloud computing, Microsoft was able to quickly identify 18 promising battery materials for the Department of Energy.
AI and the future of work in 2024
Future jobs will rebalance technology with humanity, and lifelong learning to continually upgrade must replace outdated ideas of static careers.
Using AI, MIT researchers identify a new class of antibiotic candidates
Using a type of artificial intelligence, MIT researchers have discovered a class of compounds that can kill drug-resistant bacteria.
AI startup Rabbit’s R1 device sells out in 24 hours
Tech startup Rabbit has unveiled R1, an AI-powered consumer device designed to free you from app overload.
Cappella’s AI translates baby cries to help sleep-deprived parents
The startup Cappella has developed an app that translates baby cries and informs parents what is wrong alongside helpful suggestions.
Cyborg computer combining AI and human brain cells really works
A new biohybrid computer combining a “brain organoid” and a traditional AI was able to perform speech recognition.
Mercedes-Benz adds special blue lights when its self-driving cars are “on”
Mercedes-Benz has added turquoise lights to its self-driving vehicles to indicate when its autonomous driving system is engaged.
Vesuvius Challenge: Can AI decipher these mysterious ancient scrolls?
Herculaneum’s Villa de Papiri contains hundreds of ancient texts that were carbonized by Mt. Vesuvius. Now, they can only be deciphered by AI.
Watch amazing Meta AI translate language in near real-time
Meta has unveiled Seamless, a language translation AI that can quickly translate speech while preserving the original tone and emotion.
Google AI discovers 2.2 million new materials for a host of technologies
Google's AI GNoME has predicted 2.2 million novel inorganic crystal structures. If synthesized in labs, they may pave the way for new technologies.
Deep neural networks show promise as models of human hearing
In the largest study yet of deep neural networks trained to perform auditory tasks, researchers found surprising similarities to human hearing.
AI chatbots are coming to your workplace but are not necessarily coming for your job
AI chatbots might not be coming for your job after all, but AI fluency, the skill to understand and work with AI, will soon be essential.
The AI behind ChatGPT is bringing this toy to life
Pop artist Grimes and Silicon Valley startup Curio have created an AI toy that can understand and talk to kids.
New AI predicts cancer survival using epigenetics
Researchers from the UCLA train an AI to use epigenetics to predict clinical outcomes for cancer patients.
What does the future hold for generative AI?
Rodney Brooks, co-founder of iRobot, kicks off a symposium on the promise and pitfalls of increasingly powerful AI tools like ChatGPT.
Suckup software: How sycophancy threatens the future of AI
The biggest problem with AI right now might not be it defying humans but bending its answers to make us happy.
Supercomputer uses machine learning to set new speed record
Frontier, the ORNL supercomputer, used machine learning to set a new speed record of 9.95 quintillion calculations per second.
Google’s new Gemini AI beats GPT-4 in 30 of 32 tests
Tech giant Google has unveiled the multimodal Gemini AI, its “largest and most capable” AI model ever released.
Move over, agony aunt: study finds ChatGPT gives better advice than professional columnists
Researcher found that people preferred the AI-generated responses over those given by a professional advice columnist, and couldn't tell which was which.
World’s largest robots will help airlines cut carbon emissions
Norwegian startup Avinxt is building massive AI robots to help airlines reduce their emissions, save water, and inspect their planes.
Technology expert tells us why the AI “doomer” narrative is all wrong
Alex Kantrowitz believes “doomerism” is born of our misplaced and exaggerated human propensity for fear. Plus, fear sells.
You win this street game by getting “hit” by a self-driving car
A game that challenges pedestrians to avoid detection by an AI could help train tomorrow’s self-driving cars.
Breakthrough AI learns language with “human-like” efficiency
An new AI model learned to generalize language concepts with "human-like" efficiency and remix them to respond to novel inquires.