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Space junk created the world’s largest dump. Here’s how we can fix it.
From “laser brooms” to massive nets, space organizations have proposed many ways to clean up the mess of space debris.
Chinese astronomers unveil a plan to find Earth 2.0 — and aliens
China’s Earth 2.0 mission will survey the Milky Way in the hope of identifying exoplanets similar to Earth.
Space ads could earn $2 million a day, say Russian researchers
Space advertising could generate a profit, even though space ads would cost $65 million each, according to Russian researchers’ calculations.
Einstein’s theory of general relativity passes another test, with implications for dark matter and dark energy
Scientists carried out an ultra-precise test of a core premise of Einstein’s modern theory of gravity. The theory stood up.
The technology we (or aliens) need for long-distance interstellar travel
Interstellar distances are vast, and extremely advanced technology will be required if we (or aliens) want to visit other star systems.
Making it on the Moon
The New Space Race
A delivery service for the moon

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